Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Little Grr Things.

I cannot believe that I just realized that with all the curve balls thrown my way, I JUST NOW figured out I forgot to blog last week. Wow. I mean, in the spirit of unfiltered reality, I throw my thoughts out there, every time I get even the tiniest bit emotional, in whatever sense of the word. I am generally composing a blog of some variety in my head, most of the time. Somehow this week I managed to space it. I guess that's how my mind reacted to finding out some unpleasant things. Mind you, they were highly unsettling. Still. It's so not me to not ramble on for at least a page about it. Gotta admit, I am a bit tired of discovering the little unsettling things. Maybe that's why it threw me off so bad?? If it's not one thing it's another.
I was made aware yesterday that my blogs have drawn some attention. That was dandy to learn. It's incredibly flattering that the nonsensical wordplay splattered into a semblence of coherent madness has amused people. I am quite thrilled, truth be told. Whenever I sit and write, for relief, or pleasure, or just because it's a "burst out of my skin" kinda day, I definitely imagine a tidy little audience. Utterly enraptured with my every word, of course.
And to think I got so disjointed by the events of the week that I deprived my audience of my words of nonsensical wisdom.
For shame.
Well, Dear Reader, I sincerely apologize. The next time something-of-whatever-variety mosies in and tries to insinuate itself in my happiness, you will be the first to know. Goodness knows, the aforementioned issue was not even remotely worth the aggravation it caused me. We all know how that goes, however. Something can be highly upsetting at onset of the event, and with just a bit of time to marinate and absorb, one realizes that although the "something" was bothersome, to give it any further attention would only serve it's inital intended purpose, which was clearly to upset one's happiness.
I have to wonder just how many of you followed that ;)
Well now, I believe we are all caught up. Hope you enjoyed your latest little glimpse of my "Side of The Looking Glass"

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